Frequently asked questions
If you can't find what you're looking for, email our support team and we will get back to you.
Is DWS free?
Yes, DWS is free for all users. We also offer a paid subscription with additional features.
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time.
What happens on uploaded images, videos if I cancel my subscription?
You will still have access to your images and videos with limited time, but you will not be able to upload new images and videos.
What kind of functionality does DWS offer?
DWS offers the ability to manage your drone operations, including your pilots, drones, and flights. You can also upload images and videos to your account.
Does video and image upload function visualise metadata?
Yes, the functions visualise metadata such as GPS, altitude, and speed, by analysing the EXIF data, SRT files
Does DWS provide API?
Yes, We are currently working on opening up our API to the public. If you are interested in using our API, please contact us.
Can we integrate DWS with our existing software?
Yes, you will be able to do that through our API.